Sunday, October 9, 2016

Who is Abbas ibn Ali (AS) ??

Abbas ibn Ali (AS) 

 Abbas ibn Ali was the son of Ali ibn Abu Talib and Fatima binte Hizam, commonly known as Ummul Baneen. Abbas is particularly revered by Shi’a Muslims for his loyalty to his half-brother and third Shi’a Imam, Hussain ibn Ali, his respect for the Ahl al-Bayt, and his role in the battle of Karbala. Abbas was married to Lubaba binte Obaidullah ibn Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib. He had three sons, and their names are Fazal ibn Abbas, Qasim ibn Abbas, and Obaidullah ibn Abbas. Two of them were killed during the Battle of Karbala. The family lineage of Abbas ibn Ali was succeeded by Obaidullah ibn Abbas. Obaidullah then had five sons. The names of Abbas ibn Ali's grandsons were Abdullah ibn Obaidullah, Abbas ibn Obaidullah, Hamza ibn Obaidullah, Ibrahim ibn Obaidullah, and Fazal ibn Obaidullah. It has been recorded that that the Angel Gabriel informed Muhammad what would happen to his grandson Husayn ibn Ali at Karbala. Muhammad, Fatima Zahra, and Ali were saddened by this, so Ali wished for a son to help Husayn ibn Ali at Karbala. He asked his brother, Aqeel ibn Abu Talib, to search for a wife from courageous descent. Aqeel pointed out Fatimah Kelabiya better known know as Ummal Baneen, who was descended from the honored lineage of Hezam ibn Khalid ibn Rabi’e ibn Amer Kalbi. Ali ibn Abu Talib did not marry Ummal Baneen (or any other woman) during the lifetime of Fatima Zahra.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

I forget my pain when .......

I forget my pain when i remember yours...

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Friday, February 19, 2016

The family of Hussein

The Ahlulbayt

The Ahlulbayt which means 'the people of the house', refers to the family of Prophet Muhammad, in particular the following members:
  • Prophet Muhammad - the last prophet of Islam
  • Ali ibn Abu Talib - Prophet Muhammad's cousin, son-in-law and fourth Caliph
  • Fatima bint Muhammad - Prophet Muhammad's daughter and wife of Ali
  • Hassan ibn Ali - Ali and Fatima's eldest son and Hussain's elder brother
  • Hussain ibn Ali - Ali and Fatima's son
Hussain's family played a pivotal role in the establishment of the religion of Islam, and were widely seen as the key figures of guidance amongst the Muslims. They all strived to establish good values in their society and all faced separate hurdles against oppressive rulers of their time.

Prophet Muhammad

Prophet Muhammad was born in 632 AD in Mecca, in modern day Saudi Arabia. He grew up in a society which was rife with issues such as racism, sexism and corruption. Muhammad was a trader and had a great reputation for being honest and truthful - something which was an exception in his time.

Muhammad received revelation of the Holy Qur'an as a young man, and in accordance with these revelations he rose up to reform his society and rid it of the evil values which had become prevalent. The religion of Islam was established after many years of struggle, in which Muhammad and his followers defended themselves against various attacks.

"Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith."
- Prophet Muhammad

Fatima bint Muhammad

After the death of Prophet Muhammad, his family were in position to lead society; however their role was quickly usurped and they were sidelined. Whilst they all spoke out against this violation and the corruption of moral values from society, they all adopted different methods in doing so.

Fatima spoke out boldly against the Caliph (leader) who had taken the role of Ali. Fatima died in mysterious circumstances after her house was attacked by supporters of the Caliph. She is seen as a role model for millions of women across the world as someone who upheld the values of modesty and speaking out against injustice.

"God commanded enjoining good and forbidding evil as a means for amendment and correction to society and the people"
- Fatima bint Muhammad

Ali ibn Abu Talib

During the life of the Prophet and early days of Islam, Ali has rose to fame as a brave warrior and man of justice, charity and integrity. After the passing of Muhammad, Ali chose to adopt a position of patience in the matter in order to avoid fragmenting society into a civil war.

Ali ibn Abu Talib was given the role of leadership by popular demand after 3 caliphs before him had passed. He was however embroiled in several wars as political opponents wanted to overthrow him and his government; despite this Ali established a government that was based on the values of social justice, and uprooted much of the widespread corruption that had spread.

However, Ali was killed whilst in prayer in the city of Kufa - the same city which Hussain sough to migrate towards to launch his uprising against Yazid.

"He who angers you, controls you."
- Ali ibn Abu Talib

Hassan ibn Ali

Hassan was the eldest of Ali and Fatima's son, and was a recognised figure amongst all Muslims, as he was given the title of 'Leader of the Youth in Paradise' alongwith his brother Hussain. Shortly after the killing of his father Ali, a ruler by the name of Muawiyya of the Ummayad Dynasty in Damascus had ceased power. Muawiyya has previously launched several military attacks on Ali during his leadership.

Hassan opposed Muawiyya for several years, however Hassan found that he did not have enough support amongst the people to overthrow him. He made a treaty with Muawiyya that would ensure that he was not to pass on power to his son Yazid after his passing. But Muawiyya violated the terms of the agreement, and has Hassan assassinated by way of poison. 

"Befriend people in the same manner you would like them to befriend you."
- Hassan ibn Ali

Hussain ibn Ali

Some time after Hassan, Hussain's elder brother had been killed, Muawwiya passed away and in stark violation of the treaty forged by Hassan - he passed on power to his son Yazid. Hussain out of moral obligation refused to pay allegiance to Yazid, which led to his uprising and subsequent Battle of Karbala in which he was martyred.

"The most generous of people, is the one who gives to those whom he has no hope of gaining anything in return."
- Hussain ibn Ali

Why are the Ahlulbayt a source of inspiration for humanity?

The Ahlulbayt lived their lives by principles of spreading good values and preventing evil. They all in their own way sacrificed their lives in doing so, and remain heroes in history for their service to society and humanity.

They all sought to establish social justice, through charity, compassion and integrity. The Ahlulbayt imparted their wisdom to as many people as they could throughout their lives and their teachings and sayings serve as a foundation for millions of people across the world on a daily basis.

Regardless of whatever religion, class or creed you may be from - what they stood for is universal, and if we could take even just a few lessons from their lives to implement in our own, the world would surely be a brighter place for everyone.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

tears of the sky

Imam Sadiq (pbuh) :

The sky shed tears of blood on Hussein (pbuh) for forty days.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Hussein's faith

Hussein ibn Ali's faith

Hussein ibn Ali's grandfather was Prophet Muhammad, the last prophet of Islam. He grew up as in close proximity to his grandfather and inherited many of the great characteristics of Muhammad. Hussein was a devout Muslims and was known for his religiousness, wisdom and piety. He upheld the true values of Islam.
Islam was a religion that came about at a time of great moral corruption in society, where human rights were routinely violated and respect amongst the society was gifted only to those who were the richest and powerful. Islam came to reverse this and to establish values of honor, integrity, compassion and equality.
Islam spread fast throughout the lands of Arabia and across the world until today, where it is still the fastest growing religion. It is because Islam upholds values and principles such as dignity for all in society, regardless of their class, color or creed. It was these values that Hussein rose to uphold and ensure that Yazid was not able to erode them.

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Sunday, February 7, 2016

what lessons we can draw from Hussain's sacrifice and continuing legacy...

The aftermath of Ashura

Whilst Hussain died in the battle, he was victorious through his legacy. His actions and the stand he made at Karbala triggered a series of small uprisings against the tyrannical regime of Yazid which led to his eventual demise. Yazid’s army took the women and children from Hussain’s camp as war prisoners and marched from Iraq to Syria where they were held captive.

Hussain’s sister Zainab and his son Zain Al-Abideen, defied Yazid in his own courtyard in famous sermons which unnerved even his closest allies. Thereon, the remaining members of Hussain’s family spread the word to the people about the massacre which took place and the crimes that were committed on The Day of Ashura.

Hussain ibn Ali's epic legacy

Till today, any positive change in society can always be traced back to one person, or a group of people, who stood up in the face of injustice and suffered for it. In recent history, Martin Luther King and Gandhi are but two examples of people who dedicated themselves to a difficult path in the face of much opposition and oppression.

Yet on a much smaller scale, we all face daily challenges in our lives, where we need to make a stand against some form of oppression and injustice; at work, in social situations or even at home. Like Hussain, we too have a choice: the easy way or the right way. It is our choices that determine our legacy, just as it was Hussain’s choices that determined his.

Ultimately, Hussain’s stand was more for the people and society in general than for himself. He was a man of status and influence, who was unaffected by the corruption and sleaze of the government in his day-to-day life. His own interests would have been served by accepting a generous bribe, and his life would have been preserved. Society’s interests, however, were best served by his stand for the rights of the voiceless, the poor and the weak; by his sacrifice.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A Hadeeth about guilty people

امام حسین (ع) : همنشینی با گنهکاران ، موجب سر گردانی و آشفتگی و خطر گناه است.

Imam Hussein (AS) said: Companion of guilty, is guilty of vagrancy and the chaos and danger.
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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Hussain's compassion

Hussain's compassion

After Hussain and his small group of supporters had been intercepted, they were diverted to a land called Karbala. On this journey, Hussain noticed that Yazid's men - led by a man called Hurr - had ran out of water.

Hussain ordered his men to share their water to the enemy forces and their horses. Hurr was deeply moved by this act of mercy and this single act led to Hurr eventually switch sides to Hussain's movement a few days later.

Once they reached Karbala, an army of 30,000 surrounded their small band and penned them in. In a cruel twist of irony, blocking their access to the water supply. The walls were closing in.

The final stand

Word reached Hussain that Yazid had sent orders that he was not to be allowed to leave Karbala until he had taken an oath of allegiance. Hussain stood his ground and made it clear that he could not, and would not, bow to Yazid.

Hussain assembled his group, stressing to them that it was his life that Yazid wanted and that they can leave should they choose to. After a few days of stalemate, Yazid's forces were commanded to attack and kill Hussain and his companions.

The Day of Ashura

The night before the battle, Hussain, his family and his companions spent the night in worship knowing that tomorrow they were to be almost certainly killed. They prepared their armour and planned their battle strategy.

The hour for battle commenced, Hussain's companions departed from their camp in small bands and one after the other - all fighting valiantly before eventually being martyred. Throughout the day the forces of Yazid asked Hussain for his allegiance, yet Hussain resisted.

One by one Hussain's companions and his family members fought and died, until eventually there was no one left to fight. Hussain's camp had no water for 3 whole days whilst being stationed on the scorching and dry plains of Karbala.

Hussain's final moments

Hussain took his thirsty 6 month old son and took him to the opposing forces, imploring them to have mercy on the child and give him some water. However, they shot and killed the child with a three-pronged arrow used for hunting, before shortly afterwards turning on Hussain.

Arrows rained down but Hussain stood tall and bravely fought back until he was encircled by the enemies and attacked from all sides with spears and swords. Fatigued, thirsty, and heavily wounded, Hussain fell to the ground as the women and children looked on.

But there was still one act of wickedness that followed. Despite Hussain’s state, a wicked man by the name of Shimr began to mercilessly taunt him, kicking him whilst he lay on the ground.This brute took no mercy on Hussain, and eventually beheaded him.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Monday, January 4, 2016

The Ashura pilgrimage

Peace be on you, O Abu Abdullah!
Peace be on you, O son of the Apostle of Allah!
Peace be on you, O son of the commander of the faithfuls, the forebear of the successors!
Peace be on you, O son of Fatimah, the choicest among the women of the worlds!
Peace be on you, O the select, surpassing, chosen in preference over all good of Allah, and son of Allah's (such) good.
Peace be on you, who was martyred while fighting heroically in the cause of Allah, the son of Allah's fearless warrior, you were isolated and had been attacked with a vengeance!
Peace be on you and on those souls who had gathered in your camp, and strided along with you, in your journey. I pray and invoke Allah to keep all of you tranquil and restful, for ever; so far I am alive, this is my prayer, and till nights and days follow each other.
O Abu Abdullah! unbearable is the sorrow, nerve-racking is the agony, you put up with,
for us and for all the (true) Muslims, crimes committed against you also shocked and unnerved the dwellers of the heavens, one and all.
May Allah condemn and damn the people who laid the basis and set up the groundwork,
to wander astray and turn aside from not only you and your family but to take liberties and bear hard upon you.
May Allah condemn and damn the people who tried to obscure and deny your office and status, willfully neglected your rank and class Allah had made know in clear terms. May Allah condemn and damn the people who killed you.
May Allah condemn and damn the abettors who instigated and had a part in your murder. I turn to you and Allah, away from them, their henchmen, their followers and their friends,
O Abu Abdullah, I pray and invoke Allah to send blessings on you. I make peace with those who make their peace with you,
I make war on those who go to war against you, till the Day of Judgement.
May Allah condemn and damn the family of Ziyaad and the family of Marwaan;
may Allah condemn and damn the group and the tribe of Umayyah, one and all, altogether;
may Allah condemn and damn the son of Marjaanah;
may Allah condemn and damn Umar son of Saad;
may Allah condemn and damn Shimr;
may Allah condemn and damn the people who bridled the horses and errected the saddles for your martyrdom. I, my father and mother are at your disposal. Profound is my sorrow for you. I beg Allah, who honoured you above others, to be generous towards me on account of you, and give me the opportunity to be with the victorious Imam, the descendent of Mohammad (blessings and peace be on him and on his children from Allah) at the time of the final and decisive war against Allah's enemies.
O my Allah make me attend to Your cause, sincerely, in every respect following in Husayn's footsteps, in this world and the hereafter. O Abu Abdullah, I pray and invoke Allah to send blessings on you. I come nearer and seek greater intimacy with Allah, with His Apostle, with Ameerul Moomineen, with Fatimah, with Hasan and with you, with the help of your love and patronage, cutting off every connection with those who took up arms against you and killed you. I disconnect all links with those who, in the beginning, took the first steps to take liberties with and bear hard upon you, I take refuge with Allah and His Apostle (blessings of Allah be on him and on his children), free from the guilt of associating with those who laid the foundation for (your suffering), devised and carried out their corrupt plan of action, boldly gave currency to reign of terror and cruelty to oppress you and your friends and followers; I detach myself from them and present myself to Allah and to you, I (first) seek greater intimacy with Allah and then with you to win your love and patronage, and to make friends with your friends, cut off all links with your enemies, and with those who planted the seeds of hostility against you, and reject and discard their associates, their followers and their friends. I make peace with those who made their peace with you, I search out and confront those who waged war against you, I make friends with those who stood by you, I strive against those who came in conflict with you, therefore, I make a request to Allah to acquaint (me) with the awareness that perceives you and your friends, to set me free from the corrupting influence of your enemies, to make me keep company with you in this would and in the Hereafter, stand firm beside you and follow your footsteps closely in this world and in the next world. I beseech Him that he helps me to reach your highly praised station, given to you by Allah, (to meet you), that He provides me the opportunity to fight for justice and fairplay alongwith and under the leadership of the rightly guided guide (in your progeny) who surely will come and speak the truth. I beseech Allah in the name of your right and the purpose He assigned to you, that He overwhelms me with grief in memory of your sorrows, more than the personal grief that torments any one who is in great agony, sorrows which have no parallel and overshadow all calamities that took place in the history of Islam, for that matter, through out the whole universe.
O my Allah, in my on the spot situation, treat me like him (or her) who obtains from You
(Your) blessings, mercy and forgiveness.
O my Allah, bring me to life again, after death, in the place Mohammad and his "Aal" (children) are dwelling, and make me depart from this world like Mohammad and his "Aal" (children) had left,
O my Allah this day is a day of rejoicing for the "Bani Umayyah", the herd of hardened criminals, the eternally damned and accursed group, a fact that had been made public by You and by Your Prophet (blessings of Allah be on him and on his children), who, in every place and at all occasions, drew attention of people to this truism.
O my Allah condemn and damn Abu Sufyaan, Yazid son of Muwa'awiyah and let it be an everlasting curse upon tem from You. Today the descendants of Ziyaad and Marwan make merry, laugh and dance because on this day they killed Husayn (blessings of Allah be on him).
O my Allah, therefore, double up the curse You brings upon them and also the punishment You decrees for them.
O my Allah, I seek nearness to You today in this frame of mind, cutting off all links with them for the rest of my life, denouncing them because of my love for Your Prophet and his children, peace be on him and them.
Then again say 100 times:
O my Allah condemn and damn the first tyrant who unjustly and wrongfully usurped that which rightly belonged to Mohammad and the children of Mohammad, and bring curse upon those who, after him, followed in his footsteps.
O my Allah condemn and damn those conspirators who vexed and harassed Husayn, showed eagerness, agreed mutually, and joined hands to kill him. O my Allah bring curse upon all of them.

Then again say 100 times:
Peace be on you, O Abu Abdullah, and on those souls who came to your camp to put themselves at your disposal.
So far I am alive and the days and nights follow each other I invoke Allah to send blessings on you for ever and ever.
May Allah not make my this pledge of close association, physical as well as spiritual, with you the last fulfillment.
Peace be on Husayn, and on Ali son of Husayn, and on the children of Husayn, and on the friends of Husayn.

Then say:
O my Allah, let the curse I call down on the head of the first tyrant stick like a leech; and stay put for ever on the first, then the second, the third and the fourth.
O my Allah damn and call down evil on the fifth, Yazid son of Mua'awyah, and bring a curse upon Ubaydullah son of Ziyaad, ibna Marjanah, Umar son of Saad, and Shimr, and on the descendants of Abu Sufyaan, on the descendants of Ziyaad, on the descendants of Marwaan, till the Day of judgement.

Then go is Sajdah and say:

O my Allah! (All) praise is for You (alone); praise of the "Ever-thankful to You", who glorify You whatever come to pass. (All) praise is for Allah for my deep-felt intense grief. O my Allah make available for me the recommendations of Husayn on the day I present myself before You, let me stand firm in safety before You on account of my sincere attachment with Husayn, alongwith him and his comrades, who sacrificed everything they had (heart, mind, soul and life) for Husayn, peace be on him.

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لطفا بازنشر دهید

Why did Hussain ibn Ali rise up?

In the second part of the information pack we will delve into the circumstances that led to Hussain rising up...

A divided nation

Hussain's father Ali ibn Abu Talib, had legitimate claims to leadership, both in terms of endorsement by Muhammad as well as by popular support. But he feared that by pursuing his right, he could plunge the fragile nation into a civil war from which it may not recover. Ali adopted a wise position of patience in order to avoid dividing his society.

Eventually, Ali was chosen as the leader by the people; but he spent most of his five years in office embroiled with havoc wreaked by rebellious elements and insurgents. Despite this Ali was able to restore many of the good values which became eroded in the years after Muhammad. Ali was assassinated whilst in prayer in 661 AD.

The rise of the Ummayad dynasty

After Ali’s death, the Arabs lapsed back to their old ways, with aristocrats from various provinces grappling for power. Despite general consensus that Hussain’s elder brother Hassan ibn Ali was best suited to lead, a man called Muawiyya, rose to usurp power, becoming the first in a long line of rulers who came to be known as the Umayyad dynasty.

They maintained their iron grip on the seat of power with a combination of violence, propaganda and bribery; passing the power amongst their family and friends and shoring up support with public funds

Hassan's treaty with Muawiyya

To keep the peace, and prevent further bloodshed, Hassan ibn Ali signed an treaty with Muawiyya which amongst other things, would guarantee Muawiyya would not pass on power to his son Yazid.

However shortly after signing the treaty, Muawiyya had Hassan assassinated by way of poison and wasted no time in breaking the terms of the treaty by appointing his son Yazid to the Ummayad throne.

Hussain's struggle with Yazid

Yazid was a notorious drunkard, womaniser and tyrant; who had little support from the people in stark contrast to the popularity of Hussain ibn Ali. Mindful of this, Yazid decided that he would demand Hussain’s allegiance, hoping to gain some form of legitimacy for his inherited rule.

Hussain had a choice to make. To endorse Yazid would no doubt mean a handsome reward and a life of luxury. To refuse would invariably lead to his own demise. What should he do? What would you or I do?

For Hussain the choice between the easy way and the right way, was no choice at all. Hussain refused, and this is why he chose to rise up against Yazid.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Arbaein Life Style

what is Arbaein? i will say you what is Arbaein.
Arbaein is an arabic word means fortieth. in muslim life style 40 days after some one is dead, is a holy day. the remainders of the dead person holding a ceremony for him. fortieth is holding for all people but for imam hussain this ceremony is unique.
in above picture you see people that are ready to service imam Hussein's pilgrims by giving them food and drinks like dates and milk. this people don't earn any thing.
every year millions of peoples (shia and Sunni Muslim, Christians and others) have a walking to karbala for mark fortieth of imam Hussein.
amount of people who mark Arbaein ceremony estimated about 25 millions.
why these people walking to karbala???

you answer me...
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لطفا پس از خواندن نشر دهید

sheikh nimr a sample of hussain doctrine

Yesterday saudi arabia regime executed sheikh nimr top cleric of shia muslim in saudi.
here is a clip about shahid nimr.

family of hussain

Hussain ibn Ali was born in 626 AD into the household ofMuhammad, the final Prophet of Islam. He was the son of Prophet Muhammad's daughter Fatima, who was married to Ali ibn Abu Talib and grew up during an era of great political turmoil. 

Hussain's parents were both highly respected amongst the people for their wisdom, piety and compassion; and Ali was exceptionally known across Arabia for his bravery, integrity and leadership.

He was only 8 when his grandfather Muhammad passed away, and his subsequent years were clouded by the political turmoil and widespread corruption that affected the community.

His father Ali and mother Fatima were persecuted by those who deliberately misconstrued Muhammad’s teachings of equality for all, in favour of a return to the heavily corrupt clan system of the old days. 

The family of Muhammad were sidelined, yet Ali and Fatima responded to those who wished them harm with courtesy and goodwill. Ali was famously quoted as saying ‘Be like a flower, which gives fragrance even to the hand that crushes it.’

Through their patience in the face of adversity, Hussain’s parents instilled in him the invaluable qualities of selflessness and personal sacrifice; putting the society’s needs ahead of their own, to keep the peace and not to react to abuse or pursue personal agendas.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

who is hussain?

maybe you ask yourself our the others that "who is hussain?".
in this blog i will answer you that "who is hussain?"
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