The Ahlulbayt
The Ahlulbayt which means 'the people of the house', refers to the family of Prophet Muhammad, in particular the following members:
- Prophet Muhammad - the last prophet of Islam
- Ali ibn Abu Talib - Prophet Muhammad's cousin, son-in-law and fourth Caliph
- Fatima bint Muhammad - Prophet Muhammad's daughter and wife of Ali
- Hassan ibn Ali - Ali and Fatima's eldest son and Hussain's elder brother
- Hussain ibn Ali - Ali and Fatima's son
Prophet Muhammad
Prophet Muhammad was born in 632 AD in Mecca, in modern day Saudi Arabia. He grew up in a society which was rife with issues such as racism, sexism and corruption. Muhammad was a trader and had a great reputation for being honest and truthful - something which was an exception in his time.Muhammad received revelation of the Holy Qur'an as a young man, and in accordance with these revelations he rose up to reform his society and rid it of the evil values which had become prevalent. The religion of Islam was established after many years of struggle, in which Muhammad and his followers defended themselves against various attacks.
"Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith."
- Prophet Muhammad
Fatima bint Muhammad
After the death of Prophet Muhammad, his family were in position to lead society; however their role was quickly usurped and they were sidelined. Whilst they all spoke out against this violation and the corruption of moral values from society, they all adopted different methods in doing so.
Fatima spoke out boldly against the Caliph (leader) who had taken the role of Ali. Fatima died in mysterious circumstances after her house was attacked by supporters of the Caliph. She is seen as a role model for millions of women across the world as someone who upheld the values of modesty and speaking out against injustice.
"God commanded enjoining good and forbidding evil as a means for amendment and correction to society and the people"
- Fatima bint Muhammad
Ali ibn Abu Talib
During the life of the Prophet and early days of Islam, Ali has rose to fame as a brave warrior and man of justice, charity and integrity. After the passing of Muhammad, Ali chose to adopt a position of patience in the matter in order to avoid fragmenting society into a civil war.
Ali ibn Abu Talib was given the role of leadership by popular demand after 3 caliphs before him had passed. He was however embroiled in several wars as political opponents wanted to overthrow him and his government; despite this Ali established a government that was based on the values of social justice, and uprooted much of the widespread corruption that had spread.
However, Ali was killed whilst in prayer in the city of Kufa - the same city which Hussain sough to migrate towards to launch his uprising against Yazid.
"He who angers you, controls you."
- Ali ibn Abu Talib
Hassan ibn Ali
Hassan was the eldest of Ali and Fatima's son, and was a recognised figure amongst all Muslims, as he was given the title of 'Leader of the Youth in Paradise' alongwith his brother Hussain. Shortly after the killing of his father Ali, a ruler by the name of Muawiyya of the Ummayad Dynasty in Damascus had ceased power. Muawiyya has previously launched several military attacks on Ali during his leadership.
Hassan opposed Muawiyya for several years, however Hassan found that he did not have enough support amongst the people to overthrow him. He made a treaty with Muawiyya that would ensure that he was not to pass on power to his son Yazid after his passing. But Muawiyya violated the terms of the agreement, and has Hassan assassinated by way of poison.
"Befriend people in the same manner you would like them to befriend you."
- Hassan ibn Ali
Hussain ibn Ali
Some time after Hassan, Hussain's elder brother had been killed, Muawwiya passed away and in stark violation of the treaty forged by Hassan - he passed on power to his son Yazid. Hussain out of moral obligation refused to pay allegiance to Yazid, which led to his uprising and subsequent Battle of Karbala in which he was martyred.
"The most generous of people, is the one who gives to those whom he has no hope of gaining anything in return."
- Hussain ibn Ali
Why are the Ahlulbayt a source of inspiration for humanity?
The Ahlulbayt lived their lives by principles of spreading good values and preventing evil. They all in their own way sacrificed their lives in doing so, and remain heroes in history for their service to society and humanity.
They all sought to establish social justice, through charity, compassion and integrity. The Ahlulbayt imparted their wisdom to as many people as they could throughout their lives and their teachings and sayings serve as a foundation for millions of people across the world on a daily basis.
Regardless of whatever religion, class or creed you may be from - what they stood for is universal, and if we could take even just a few lessons from their lives to implement in our own, the world would surely be a brighter place for everyone.
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